There are not many playgroups who have an original song written by a parent but Weekends Playgroup in Montmorency do.
Marissa, or MJ as the parents call her, loves music and pulls out her guitar, encouraging the children and families to join in the chorus.
It’s for them, really,” said Marissa, watching the children as they grow ever more excited to embark on a new activity together. “They love it. For me, it gives me an opportunity to do something in my skill set. I really love music. I sometimes bring a bit of music to do here and play- everyone loves play.”
Marissa was nominated as a Playgroup Champion runner-up in 2024.
“I think if you see something good and you have the ability to help out and you want it, you build the world that you want,” she said.
Right from the outset, Marissa busily attends to cups of tea and snacks for those attending playgroup, while also monitoring the safety as some children whiz by on rollerblades.
“Make sure the other families are okay with you riding those first,” she says to her own children and they smile with glee.
Here the children are in a familiar, safe environment, where they feel an eagerness to embrace the thrill. They come most Saturdays.
Marissa said that playgroup is relatively easy to get to and thus opens the space for free play and playfulness, which can sometimes be lacking due to the nature of caring for young children. This time can be especially overwhelming for first time parents, Marissa said.
“I think a lot of parents have experienced- contemporary parents- have experienced a kind of loss of playing in their lives. Things have become really serious in their lives, as people.”
Marissa said many people feel and sense the benefit of playgroup during their time attending, yet it can be hard to commit to because parents and carers come at a time in their life when they are really pushed. That is why it can be challenging to gather volunteers.
That is also one of the reasons that Marissa stands out in her playgroup community. Marissa has continued to show up, to pour the cups of tea and encourage playfulness. Marissa brings musical instruments and arranges fruit and biscuits for the children to enjoy throughout the session. Noticeably, Marissa takes the time to greet each parent who walks in the door.
“Marissa is really welcoming, with an energy and presence,” said fellow playgrouper and treasurer Gemma.
“Marissa is good at connecting with lots of different people. Marissa is also quite musical so the music adds a nice element to the playgroup. I think it is welcoming and brings people together.”
Both Marissa and Gemma have been regular attendees at the local Monty playgroup.
Gemma works during the week and loves having the option to attend playgroup on the weekend.
“It gives an opportunity for the kids to meet other kids and to play. It is something that we can do that doesn’t cost a lot of money but gives them the space to use their imagination.”
The additional benefit for Gemma is the relaxed nature of playgroup.
Gemma enjoys that it takes away some of the mental coordinating she juggles as a parent. The playgroup space provides the opportunity to let the kids go and play, without the need to constantly entertain them- and this time enables Gemma to connect with other parents. The parents get talking about kinder, or other things that are happening in their lives. Because the playgroup is regular, there is a comforting continuity.
“Here it is kind of a smaller group where they can get to make friends and know each other.”
“My eldest, she loves to hang out with her friends so she is always asking who we are hanging out with today, so, ‘We are going to playgroup today’ is a known. I know that’s coming up, she can bank on that.”
Gemma is a scientist and sometimes likes to incorporate her passion into playgroup. She said that Marissa is great at encouraging inquisitiveness and enthusiasm within the group.
“Marissa is really curious about stuff and really gets down on the kids level.”
“Marissa brings a warm dynamic to the group.”
Weekends playgroup has now been running for seven years, needing time to re-establish after the pandemic.
It was Candice who kick-started the playgroup early in 2019, identifying a gap on weekends, when there were less ways to connect with other parents of young kids.
“This created excitement amongst the community as there was nothing like this before,” said Candice.
Candice has experience managing people and running events which came in handy while developing the weekend playgroup. She used tools from Playgroup Victoria to guide her through the process, to setup the incorporated association. With the help of social media, Candice spread the word and was able to get 10-15 kids attending most sessions.
“With the help from the members, it became sustainable, there were themed sessions and messy playdates and Santa came to town a few times!”
Candice said that Marissa has supported the playgroup through its lifetime.
“Without her hours of support, creative flair, community engagement, patience, understanding Weekend Playgroups would not still be running. I thank her for many different reasons and feel she should be celebrated for her passion for caring for others and keeping the community spirits alive!”
It is never a solo endeavour, creating a community, yet it does require continued effort to bring everyone together. To be able to do that, with some added creative flair and a passion for play, is a gift- to the community yes, but most especially, for the kids.
Learn more and connect with Weekend Playgroup Montmorency HERE
Article by Sinead Halliday
Photography by Mylie Nauendorf