Playgroup is a meeting place for families and carers with young children. All playgroups are unique. Some like structure, with planned activities. Others are laid back. Some people simply like to pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Some run playgroup sessions four times a week. Some come every once in a while. You can pick and choose what suits you best.
We have bush playgroups, intergenerational playgroups, grandparent playgroups, baby playgroups, cultural specific playgroups, playgroups for children with different needs, playgroups for children with disabilities. Don’t forget, playgroup is a place for parents and carers, too. It is a time for you to play with your child, relax, connect with others, share information and unwind.
Playgroups can form organically with friends and neighbours or you can join a brand new group in your community. There are no set rules. Parents often find playgroup to be a sanctuary, to meet other parents, gather advice and just relax while their child plays. There is much evidence supporting play based learning, especially during the formative periods in a young child's life. Playgroup promotes learning through play. Playgroup Victoria has many years experience in this field, providing valuable information, resources and know-how! The main aim of the game is enjoyment, to find contentment and to bond. Profound connections are made. Friendships are forged, support networks are tightened and there is a chance to find common ground and recuperate. Most importantly, playgroup allows you to treasure your time together. Making memories. Having fun.