Community Minded
In Conversation with the Governor-General Mr David Hurley and his wife Mrs Linda Hurley
“It is our great privilege to be able to see and spend time with people from every part of our country (virtually at the moment!). We get to see the best of Australia – people working hard for each other, people being kind and being active, responsible members of their community.”- The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd)
David Hurley was sworn in as the Governor General of the Commonwealth of Australia in 2019, alongside his wife, teacher and educator, Linda Hurley. Together they have travelled throughout Australia, meeting many amazing people from all walks of life. They have heard inspiring stories and observed the generous nature of those they have encountered along the way. The people, their stories and their inclination to be good gives a great purpose to their work- to share, celebrate and recognise those making a positive difference.
“There are lots of challenges in the world – but at the core we are a good people. Linda and I see evidence of this everyday as we engage with communities. You might not read about these stories on the front pages of newspapers, but they are there in each and every part of our country. That is inspiring,” said the Governor-General.
The Governor-General and Mrs Hurley speak regularly with young people from around the country. The Governor-General cites the weekly video conferences with schools as a real highlight, as they talk with students about their lives and the importance of community. During these sessions he also talks about the role of the Governor-General and democracy.
“I always explain the constitutional and ceremonial parts of the Governor-General’s role – it is important that students understand how our democracy works - and emphasise our community engagement responsibilities. Being able to recognise and celebrate outstanding Australians is an important part of our job and something we both enjoy doing.”
One of the Governor-General and Mrs Hurley’s priorities this year has been spending time with communities affected by the bushfires earlier in the year, for which, the struggle has been long lived, and even more challenging in the face of a global pandemic.
“In the midst of devastation – lives lost, homes and properties destroyed and livelihoods taken away – we have seen great strength and great kindness. The people we have met and spent time with are supporting each other to recover and rebuild.”
Their Excellencies are proud first-time grandparents.
“Charlie is about eight months old and we are both taking great delight in the chance to play with him, watch him grow and explore the world around him,” said Mrs Hurley.
“We are also proud parents of three adult children, so of course are old hands at play, but there is something truly special about being a grandparent! Charlie watches when we play with him – especially when we make noises and have actions. We taught him to blow raspberry kisses.”
The Governor-General and Mrs Hurley know the power of play, and how play helps us to learn. Together they are Playgroup Patrons.
“We are proud to be Patrons of Playgroup Australia. Playgroups are an important part of local communities across the country: they bring people together, support parents and nurture our young people. It is also important to not lose sight of the ‘play’ element: they are fun and friendly spaces both for the young people and the broader community.”
An aspect of play is indeed music, a great interest and passion of Mrs Hurley’s. Throughout her life, she has experienced the power of music, indeed in its ability to connect people, bring joy and forge bonds and understanding. Music, she believes, defies age.
“Firstly, everyone can sing: too many adults have been told at some part of their life that they can’t and, therefore, don’t. This is a real shame because singing and music bring joy and bring people together.
“I love music and singing and we are determined to spread the joy throughout our time at Government House. We sing at almost all of our functions – people are usually hesitant to begin but by the end are enthusiastic.”
Mrs Hurley said that she loved singing with her own children and as a teacher. She carries it with her still and enjoys weaving it through her work, to great effect.
“I am now grateful for the opportunity to connect, and sing with, so many Australians.”
The Governor-General and Mrs Hurley have not been able to visit communities or meet with as many people face-to-face as they normally would, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, instead like many of us, they are connecting virtually with groups, Mayors, Councils and organisations.
“It has been different but we have enjoyed still being able to reach out to people in these difficult times. Most people need other people. I miss hugging and look forward to the human touch again.”
While a lot has changed, what the Governor General and Mrs Hurley do has not.
“We are focused on supporting Australians doing it tough and celebrating great acts of kindness, service and community mindedness,” said Mrs Hurley.
To bring in the start of Spring, Mr and Mrs Hurley will again be online, this time connecting with families in Victoria. They are special guests on Playgroup at Home LIVE, where they will be reading an Australian favourite, Where Is The Green Sheep? by Mem Fox.
More stories they will pocket as they continue to connect with everyday Australians, that is Australians who are diverse and unique and differently connected in small and profound ways, calling Australia home.
“We are delighted to be involved and look forward to connecting with playgroups around the country in years to come.”
Article by Sinead Halliday